Idea Pitch 2017 and Onward
Problem - Is the problem compelling and the value proposition strong?
5 - Very compelling, well conveyed,
3 - Was compelling, but problem or value prop needs improvement
1 - Not compelling, both need improvement
Product - Is the solution the best way to solve the problem?
5 - The product is well thought-out and solves the problem efficiently
3 - Product is alright, and seems to likely solve the problem
1 - The product is weak and or does not solve the problem
Market - Will the market size will allow a sustainable business with reasonable income
5 - The market is well-defined and has potential for substantial growth
3 - The market is discovered, and has some room for growth
1 - The market is not well-defined, and or has little room for growth
Model - Is the business model the best for this market and product?
5 - The business model spoken to is most appropriate for this case
3 - The business model needs improvement
1 - The business model is very weak and or needs a fresh start
Ask - Is the call-to-action clear? Do you want to know more?
5 - The call to action was very clear, and I was captivated to learn more
3 - The call to action was kind of clear, and I was somewhat wanting to learn more
1 - The call to action was not clear, and I did not want to learn more
Delivery - Was the pitch clear, concise, and captivating?
5 - The pitch was very well rehearsed, and very captivating
3 - The pitch was somewhat rehearsed, seemed fairly concise, and somewhat captivating
1 - The pitch was not rehearsed, didn’t seem very concise, or captivating